Course outline

    1. Introduction to the Masterclass

    2. Introduction to decarbonising transport - principles and applications

    1. Background

    2. Aims and learning outcomes

    3. Unit outline, structure and content

    4. How to use the online learning platform

    5. Before we begin...

    1. The changing landscape of urban mobility

    2. Key strategies and solutions

    3. Test your knowledge (Part 1)

    1. Rapid urbanisation: The rise of cities as magnets of economy

    2. Rapid urbanisation: Challenges for mobility and transport infrastructure

    3. Road safety

    4. Traffic congestion

    5. Cost of congestion

    6. Ageing infrastructure and backlog of transformative transport projects

    7. Ageing infrastructure and barriers to investment

    8. Test your knowledge (Part 2)

    9. Pollution and emissions

    10. Resilience of infrastructure and transport services

    11. Transport energy

    12. Climate change

    13. Health and well-being

    14. Pandemics

    15. Test your knowledge (Part 3)

    16. More Resources on Transport System Resilience

    1. Limitations of conventional approaches

    2. What is sustainable transport?

    3. What is low carbon and low emissions mobility?

    4. Planning for sustainable transport

    5. Test your knowledge (Part 4)

    6. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 1

    7. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 2

    8. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 3

    9. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 4

    10. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 5

    11. Conventional versus sustainable approaches - Part 6

    12. Test your knowledge (Part 5)

    1. Introduction

    2. Urban transport energy efficiency

    3. Policy instruments

    4. The "avoid, shift, share, improve" framework

    5. Ten key principles of the "avoid, shift, share, improve" framework

    6. Matching policies to city needs

    7. Test your knowledge (Part 6)

About this course

  • $400.00
  • 120 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content
  • 14 hours (self-paced)
  • Last update: April 2024